E-sports is our passion, which is why varied and entertaining content is an important part of our philosophy alongside our sporting ambitions.
What about EXG ?
EXG establishes since 2020. Everything started with three call of duty players striving for something bigger. We quickly changed the focus from fun to serious and professional. Started as a side project which is now an official company based in Germany.
It is our goal to build competitive teams across esports while connecting as many passionate fans as possible into our network. We want to give them access to our players and content and develop a strong, connected community around esports.
Our Mission is building up a big Gaming Community and a Organisation like a Family.
Our Passion for eSports and Competitve is going in this Organisation, we want to established eSports more internationally.
The Future of Exceptional Gaming is to become even more integrated in the eSports field. We want to get a foothold in several other areas.
We are already established in some areas and we want to improve even more.
Combining athletic success with a family atmosphere is an important goal.
Together we are strong. Together we will move forward.
ROCKET LEAGUE 30/10/2024
Test 3